Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Dive day!

So what's it like to come diving with us? Well grab your gear, I'll tell you exactly....

First of all we’ll have you choose either our morning or after noon boat. Whether you are an early riser or like to have a little lie in, we’ve got it all!
Our typical morning trip starts by meeting at 8:00am at the dive shop where your divemaster or instructor will be waiting for you to take you to our boat the Magnifica. No equipment to carry apart from your weight belt, everything is ready for you on board! We also offer tea, coffee and fresh water!

8.30, we are off! The dive sites will be decided on the day, depending on the weather conditions and tide charts. Generally we try to take you at least to one of the famous Bidas, Bida Nok and Bida Nai! After the first dive, we will be heading to Maya Bay (yes, that’s the one from the Beach, Leonardo DiCaprio not included in the trip) for a freshly cooked Thai lunch and may be a couple of jumps off the boat. That’s the time to show off your back flip skills!

 If not, enjoy a lazy nap on our sun deck during the surface interval.
We will be then off to the second dive site around the marine park in PhiPhi Ley. Once you will have surface up, time to head home, around 12.30 pm. Back at the shop; enjoy a refreshing drink in our cozy up stairs bar where you will be able to fill in your log book. And may be already think about your next dive!

Afternoon trips operate on the same scheme, and we will be meeting at 1.00pm at the shop and we’ll be back around 6pm. Our bar is open until 11pm.
So come make some bubbles with us, we are waiting for you!